Подростковый возраст закончился. Пришло время обновить модель роста в Центральной Европе

neweasterneurope.eu 3 месяцы назад
The 20th anniversary of the 2004 European Union enlargement should constitute an occasion not only to celebrate the many economical successes of the last 2 decades, but besides to reflect on upcoming improvement challenges. Although growth since the accession has been beautiful solid and stable, its foundations are inactive not robust enough, especially given the current uncertainties concerning geopolitics and geoeconomics.

Twenty years of EU membership for the Central European countries have seen large success from an economical point of view. The dynamics of GDP growth have been comparatively high, with the convergence process progressing and abroad trade developing at the same time. The inflow of direct investments has besides been reasonably intense, while unemployment decreased to the lowest levels in Europe. In addition, the region's countries have mostly managed to keep stableness in their public finances.
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